How To Change Text Color In Dev C%2b%2b

How To Change Text Color In Dev C%2b%2b Average ratng: 5,5/10 4263 reviews
Ok, I was coding a console application.. And was wondering is there anyway to have more than one color text in the console app's window..
  1. Use the textcolor function to define what color you want to use for text. Add output text and finish the program. And to change the background screen from black to blue color=BlueTry that code: /color.
  2. The thing is, in dev c I want to change the background to dark and the text to bright, I did that in the options. But the line where to cursor is is highlighted with about the same brightness as my bright text.:P Makes it quite hard to see what Im coding. Where the option in dev c to change in which color the current line is highlighted?
  3. But if you want to change the text color without changing the background color, you need to do a little bit more work. You need to get the current color attributes, change just the text or background color bits, and then set it. There is no GetConsoleTextAttribute, but you can get the current attributes using GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.

To set background colors you have to combine the foreground color code with the background color code using this equation: finalcolor = (16.backgroundcolor) + foregroundcolor if you want to set a text color that has a blue background and white text you simply look up the color code in the table. Blue is 1 and white is 15.

I know how to make all the text in the console window one color..
But I dont know how to make a progy with multiple colored text..
--( Look At Picture )-- to understand what i whant to do..
But I dont know how, and i searched the forum and google..
The Program doesn't do much and the Source Code isnt important. So I didnt post it..

How To Change Text Color In Dev C 2b 2b Code

I know it doesnt realy matter about the colors and all, but I really whanna put cool multi-colored ascii art in my C++ program.
How To Change Text Color In Dev C%2b%2bSo i was wondering if maybe somebody has done it before and knows??

[C / C ] Text color in Dev-C – How do change color of text in Dev C

To write text color in Dev-C you can simply use the command system(“color xy”);
Where x is the background color, y is the text color:
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How To Change Text Color In Dev C 2b 2b Download

But on the way back with an error if the entire set different color font color will be there, ie the colored letters that we finally put color. To fix it you have to learn and know the function (library use windows.h) on

How To Change Text Color In Dev C 2b 2b File

After reading also do not understand what, but make it stable, Fixed color of the text as desired.